
Second Place of U-Competition MM UGM 2011

"Luckily I was nominated as my class representative to join an internal public speaking competition in MM UGM held by Marketing Club. As I believed in the beginning of the contest, it would be my first achievement in 2011! And….after a tough elimination round, I could break through top 3 and awarded 2nd place of the contest!"

Elimination round was not that straightforward. Eleven participants took part in the contest and showed off the skill in public speaking, including myself. Randomly we got a topic that had to be presented in front of a Jogja-famous-news-presenter, Ferry Anggara. I got a topic about how to deal with urbanization in Indonesia if I were a president. Such an intriguing topic though!

Optimistically speaking, I did have high-confident for this preliminary round as I was helped a lot by friend of mine, Tito, to customize my power point slides and to dress me up before the contest started (Thanks buddy!). Confidently I came up with the Soekarno-looking with black-vintage-fez in the first page of my slide. Smoothly I could deliver my presentation well mixed with some spanking new jokes. People laughed, people impressed, and people clapped for my performance. There I went through to the final round in the following month.

It was about a month to get to the final round after a very long vocation. It was supposed to be a long preparation for me to the final round, yet I was away for my Toraja trip! Nothing that I could set up well. A day before the final I was still busy to make my ppt and practice my prompt presentation. No more Tito to ask for help! *panicked* And this day, I was supposed to be in the rehearsal for the final (fatal mistake).

What I could expect for my unpreparedness? Could not really focus on just wish a bit luck and pray!

Having got the lucky number one from the ballot, I stepped on the stage and begun my speech about corruption. A bit shitter and dull now… I lost my vigor on my speech! It actually could be excused as it was in big stage with hundred eyes stared at me and with 2 famous judges who I could usually see on TV, Charles Bonar Sirait and Krisna Murti. Who’s not shaking in that scenario? But it’s final, dude! No excuse for that!

Three finalists had performed; it’s time for judges to criticize my performance. I had no reason to defense myself. I did admit that all. Yet luckily I was not that bad as I thought. Kindly they awarded me the second place. Though I should give up my ambition to get the chance to give testimonial on Charles’ book, I was already grateful for the prize. Next contest, I should have done a lot better with a lot superior preparation, indeed! I will always remember this, the effort will reflect the result of whatever we do ~

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