Sulawesi Exploration
Last month I had a chance to get back to my homeland to attend my brother’s wed; enjoying the family gathering and reunion with some old buddies. When the party was over, everything turned to be normal. Everyone was back to their own business. As I did not want to be babysat at home (though I missed my home), I preferred to go out and tried to explore South Sulawesi with my Japanese friend who came with me!
Here you go….!!! Our first destination was the pre-historic cave nearby by home. It took me 30 minutes by scooter with a bumpy road up to the little rock mountain. There were two caves on it that supposed to have some carving and palm picture of the pre-historic human in Sulawesi. Unluckily, after hiking for about almost an hour, nothing that we could see! The caves were fenced as if it was a prison! Pathetic! Yet at least we could enjoy stunning sunset scenery from the top of the mountain!
Another destination was Bantimurung water fall! Got there with some old friends from high-school, we again did caving instead of jumping down to the river. We didn’t plan to get wet though, so we didn’t bring any extra clothes. Odd? Maybe!
Exploring the capital city of the province, I rode a motorbike to every corner of the interesting spots, lazed around in Losari beach, and ended up watching an international theater performance in Rotterdam Fort up to midnight. The theater was fascinating! Just knew that the story performed in the theater was the longest literature in the world which originally comes from one of districts in South Sulawesi. After sailing and performing in another country, finally they landed in the land where they were born.
(Sunset in Losari beach)
Before heading back to Jogja, I still had 4 days off! Toraja was already in mind for the next destination! Didn’t want to waste our time, we decided to crash Toraja on the following day. So exited!
We touched down Makale city in Toraja in the late evening! As we had no enough preparation for our itinerary, we spent our first nite in a small old-fashioned-motel. No need to complain as it was an emergency situation. The price was fairly reasonable though!
Our itinerary for two days in Toraja was finished just in a half-nite. Sitting couple hours in front of computer and browsing on internet got us lots of information about places that we shouldn’t miss, the foods that we should taste, and the things that we need to purchase as oleh-oleh (souvenir).
Lemo (the hanging grave), Londa, and traditional house of Torajan in Kete’ Kesu, and some other spot which I cannot hardly remember the name were in long list of our itinerary. For the most tourists in Toraja, Bakso Babi (pork meatball) was the most recommended food. Then before getting back home, some special Torajan handicraft would be a very nice souvenir for our lovers at home. Gratefully in the end of our trip, we were told that there was death/funeral ceremony. As it might be once in a life-time moment, no reason not to visit and to see how spectacular it was as people said.
And…as we expected! The ceremony was breathtaking! Never seen “genocide” of pig like that! Some people might find it scary, but for us it was incredible. We had no idea actually what the purpose of the ceremony, but we just nodded and amazed all the time watching the ceremony. Amazing Toraja!

9:49 PM
nekad traveling
2 testimonial(s):
I didn't know that Sulawesi has interesting place to visit. Hmmm... I'm really thinking to book another flight ticket to Indonesia and stay longer there!
That's why you should have asked me, dude! Don't 100% trust Wikitravel of Lonely Planet too much! Sometimes, local people is much more helpful, hhehehee..
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