
Surprising Post Card

After more than three weeks trapped in the work camp and left my room, finally I could get home (my room exactly!). Surprisingly, when I stood in front of my door, I saw something a bit messy under my door. When I opened it….(guess what happened?) I got a bunch of postcards. I was so stunned and cheery.
I received one post card from India with Golden Temple picture, one self made postcard from USA, three postcards from Finland, one from land of contrast Australia, and one from UK.
Those postcards have very beautiful pictures and contains friendly message from the people from other side of the world. The postcard from UK really attracted my emotion. It was send by six years old child named Madison. He was guided by his Mum to write and send postcard to everyone in this world. He revealed that he like to collect postcard because he wants to learn more about the world. He sent me a postcard with picture of doves that are a symbol of peace…so peaceful postcard :D
What a wonderful postcards!!!
Now, I am writing four postcards that will be sent to Germany, USA, The Netherlands, and Finland. Afterwards, I just need to wait til they are coming again. Happy postcrossing!

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