
Happy Independence Day Indonesia

"Indonesia tanah air beta. Pusaka abadi nan jaya. Indonesia sejak dulu kala slalu di puja-puja bangsa. Disana tempat lahir beta. Dibuai dibesarkan bunda. Tempat berlindung di hari tua. Tempat akhir menutup mata" The lyrics above is the lyric of Indonesian national song. The song is so meaningful and it really can boast your nationalism. It reflects how Indonesia is well-known and always gets complement from other countries. Today, August 17, 2009 is the independence day of Indonesia for the 64. A lot of things happened after 64 years. A lot of improvements yet still a lot of homeworks and problems. I acknowledge that it's not such easy case to manage a big country such as Indonesia. As a youth and Indonesia citizen, I hope Indonesia can be more prosperous, more developed, and more democratic. Whatever people say about Indonesia, I still love it so much. Happy Independence Day!! Merdeka Indonesia!!! "Indonesia is the land where I was born, the place where I grow old, and the land where I will pass away"

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