
Quotes from 47-Ronin

I watched the movie last month with some friends. Despite of many critics towards this movie, I still find that this one is still worth to watch and deserves a positive credit. With only 57% likeability from and 6.7/10 from, at glance some of the people might skip to watch it due to its fair review. Yet apart from some technical side of the movie, based on the story it is certainly inspiring. It depicts a real-loyal-life group of master-less samurai in 18th-century Japan who avenged the murder of their master. The plot of the story might be a bit predictable, but nobody can predict some inspiring saying from the samurai in the movie.

Taken from my note when I watched the movie and some internet resources, these are some quotes that are inspirational from the samurai that we might take as a life learning point.

1. "Samurai doesn't take credit of someone else's achievement"
2. “Remember, there’s sacrifice involved in any kind of life. Even the man who chooses the safe way has to give up the thrill of combat. The point is that once you know what you want, you must be prepared to sacrifice everything to get it.”
3. “Some people live all their lives without knowing which path is right. They’re buffeted by this wind or that and never really know where they’re going. That’s largely the fate of the commoners—those who have no choice over their destiny. For those of us born as samurai, life is something else. We know the path of duty and we follow it without question.”

4. “Hardship in our present life is an atonement for sins committed in our previous existence, or the education necessary to prepare for a higher place in the life to come.”

5. “For those of us born as samurai, life is something else. We know the path of duty and we follow it without question. But even that may not be easy because there may be insurmountable obstacles. Such as what that blind beggar faces. He might have a secret dream of revenge against an oppressor too. He might have justice on his side as we do now, but there is nothing he can do about it. I say we're lucky-we know what has to be done and it's within our capability to make it happen!”

6. “…Remember, there's sacrifice involved in any kind of life. Even the man who chooses the safe way has to give up the thrill of combat. The point is that once you know what you want, you must be prepared to sacrifice everything to get it. Those who realize this are the fortunate ones. Those who know and can try. What more can a man ask for than that?”

7. "A crime without justice leaves a world of unbalance.. .the heavens look down on us in shame"

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