Officially Master Student
Having got stuck after my graduation, eventually I decided to enroll my master degree in business administration in Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta. And today, I am officially a student of MBA Program of UGM after finishing the matriculation class for 3-month!
The decision taken was not that easy! In the very beginning, a clash between my father and me was inevitable. My Dad wanted (and still wants) me to carry on my degree in Accounting. However, after a long dispute, my dad allowed me to register in MBA and kindly buried his dream to see me as an accountant (feel so bad though, sorry dad!)
This choice doesn’t mean to hurt my dad who is kind-heartedly support my edification. It’s just because I am trying to be who I am in the class. Honestly saying, I could survive well in Accounting (with satisfied GPA) but I felt bogus during my lecture. I used to try to love Accounting, but seems like my love could not last for it. Ever since, I decided to look for another subject that really embodies what I want.
But actually the conflict was not only between me and my dad. I also had quarrel inside my heart. Though I had ignored my feeling to step further in accounting field, temptation to pursue Accounting degree through scholarship was thorny to be disregarded. Yeah, going abroad for my master degree is one of my life agenda. I did try once for Australian university for master in accounting, but seemingly my destiny was not there. Thus, I was in between being thankful that I should not study accounting anymore and disappointed that could not make my dream happen. Since then on, I ensure myself that accounting is not my way. I believe that God had given me the best decision!
Live is about today and the future! Forget what happened in the past!
Somehow I still have disappointed feeling, but immediately it’s gonna be gone soon. I’m happy with what I am choosing now; studying a subject that I like in my dream university. Probably it’s my delayed dream. Four years ago, I failed to enter this uni, but now I can make it through. So no more I should regret!
What I need to do now is focusing with everything that I’m facing at the moment. This master program requires a dedication and sincerity. I am pretty sure that it will bring me to achieve my thousand passions, to make my parents proud of me, and to be useful for others.
I welcome myself to my new atmosphere, new routine, and new life!
1:37 PM | Label: Goblog notes | 2 Comments
When will you get married?
The royal wedding just successfully grabbed our attention to witness Prince William and Kate Middleton took their marriage vow. My brother also just got married with her girlfriend last month before the Will and Kate. And today I just attended my ex-classmate wedding! Yes, day after day, people get married!
I was safe from any invasion of question related marriage when The Royal wedding was riddled the TV and newspaper. But guess what happened in the other two weddings? Yap…people now start questioning when my turn is! I smirked :)
I didn’t really know how to react upon the question. Well, I am still 23 years old and I frankly speaking I have never thought to get married on my age now. Moreover, I am still studying and have no job. But a friend asked me seriously today when I’m going to get married. Promptly I said, “I think when I am 30 years old or more.” My answer was rather surprising for him as he thought 30’s was quite late to have family. But for me that’s still okey.
My conversation with him reminded me with some of my friends whom I asked the question. My ex-boss in Semarang told me that marriage will be in her next life. A friend from Japan and Korea had quite similar with me: they want to get married after 30 years old, but they don’t want to have children! Those are startling answer, rite? But that’s fine as it everyone’s private decision, whatever the reason!
Sometimes I imagine myself as a groom and then become a father, but not now. Yet actually I don’t really plan to get married when I am 30 years old, I just predict that on that age, my life has been settled well; working in a blue-chip company, having luxurious car & home, having much money, and I have traveled all around the world. And marriage is not a fad. It’s a game that has no final level or game over, except we pass way. My parent told me that marriage needs strong mutual commitment to live together, fidelity, sacrifice, love and care, and mutually understanding.
As I want it once in my life time, I want to live my marriage what I am a hundred percent ready! Certainly, I’m ready whenever it comes in the right time.
When someone ask you the same inquiry, what’s gonna be your reply?
11:35 PM | Label: Goblog notes | 0 Comments