
Every day with AT, MCS, and Auditing (effect of compre)

By looking at the title above, you presumably assume that what I am going to write here is something ‘heavy’ or very academic matter. But I should tell you that it’s not so. Here I just wanna share my recent routine during a month: Comprehensive exam preparation.

Before graduating in my univ, every student should pass this compre exam minimal with C grade. Yet do not think that C is easily obtained. You need to extra-power to learn every night. Maybe you need to sleep while reading those tight text-books. Based on experience, on average student take this exams twice or more to pass it. Doesn’t it sound so horrible? Hihhihihihi (ketawa ala Mak Lampir)

What I am doing right now in my preparation is maybe like the others who already join this test. Every day, every hour, and every night I always strive to read the books. Sampe eneg nih baca bukunya terus!!! Even I always have a dream about compre exam. Really!!!

I always try to understand every concept in accounting, to answer the previous exam questions, and to expand my knowledge about accounting. It really makes me stressful somehow. Fortunately there is facebook that sometime I open when I lose my mood to read the books.

Yup, facebook is fairly helpful. I can sight in my status that I am stressed or overload information. Even my friend deliberately put her rote (hapalan) in her facebook status..kwkwkwkw :D (Herni kuwi!!) I don’t what what’s happening exactly; maybe it’s just kind of stressful expression upon compre exam. Hehehhe… Also in facebook, I always put comment or chat with my friend by writing “What is Auditing??” it’s classical question and classical effect of compre exam. LoL

Another routine is compre study club. I always study together with my friends (Yusna, Rendha, Herni, Chika, Mb Sandra) who will take the exam this month together with me. Exactly studying while curhat, sharing all the fears and bad imaginations. Thank to Titi for supervising me when we had dinner (dinner while cerdas cermat, hahahaha).

Now, 12 days to go. Though the exact date hasn’t announced yet, but it may be on November 20, 2009. Closer to the exam date, more nervous that I feel, and more lazy I am. Honestly, I am bored to read it all again and again every day. My brain seems very full and in a minute will explode (sedikit lebay).

And all kind of imaginations are created in my mind. I imagine Mr.HK says “…it’s not the answer. Don’t make a story!!” I imagine that I will get killer examiners which are Mr. AB, Mr. SH, etc….(I hope not) but it's oke if it so as long as I pass the exam though.

Huuuuufff ampuun DJ….all fear into one!

2 testimonial(s):

Accounting said...

Funny & creative.

Anonymous said...

that's makes me afraid...I hope I can pass it in the future