Perspective of Europe
After I got back in Indonesia last week, everybody congratulated me and asked for souvenir (oleh-oleh). Mostly they said that I was so lucky I could step my foot on Europe. Suddenly they asked whether I like staying there or not, and questioned what I like and I don’t. It seemed like they attacked me with a lot of questions without giving me enough time to explain one by one, hahahha (lebai+sok ngartis)!!!
I know that everybody might think that living in Europe is something very wonderful and comfortable. For me, that idea is not totally true. But I acknowledge that before I got there, I thought the same thing. I appraised Europe as a dreamland to live in, even I didn’t really know what the reasons were besides it has modern and sophisticated transportation and other stuffs. I used to dream that someday I would love to have European wife and live in Europe for long time (even I thought for the rest of my life).
However, after enjoying my time in Germany for more or less two weeks, I got new perspective about Europe. Even though I only spent my time in Germany, I think it can represent Europe as whole. I told to some of my friend that I wanna go back there someday but I don’t wanna live there for long time (like 20 years). I just expect that I will be back there to have my study in Master Degree or just for some vacations through backpacking. I consider going to Europe is not a reward but it is a challenge. Challenge of your iman as a Moslem!
Of course, curiously my friends forced to reveal my reasons. Honestlly, there are several reason why I think so. Firstly, as a Moslem I don’t get any big opportunity to do my religious activities even though I am not that religious. It doesn’t mean that European will prohibit or limit your access to do it. But the problem is the access to do it is not as big as in Indonesia or in Muslim countries (yaiyalah: of couse!). No adzan (pray calling) or mosque to do shalat. And in case of me where I stay with my host in his apartment, no such guarantee that the place that I use for sholat is clean since in people come inside the room with sandals or shoes. It’s true and not a new case since in Europe, Muslim is not majority. However, it just based on my personal opinion, maybe for the other Muslim who has high quality Muslim can adapt easily to this condition :)
The food is being my second reason. Fortunately, I spent several days in Indonesian Embassy before I went to Ilmenau (the palce where the conference was held). Indeed, the food was served with Indonesian receipt and spice. Yet when I was out from Indo Embassy, I had to eat European food which was not really okay for me. I am not kinda omnivore which eats all kinds of food. I do not eat pork (not based on religious reason, simply I hate pig), I don’t drink alcohol (not based religious reason again, simply just for healthy issue), and I don’t get used to with European spice. When I ate Kebab, I still missed eating Jalang Kote’ or Pastel, when I ate pizza, I still missed eating Martabak Telur which is a lot more delicious, and I still missed eating rice when I ate fried potato or pasta. In case of Germany, they drink sparkling water that’s very odd for me. That’s why, I used to bring my own bottle and filled the water from “keran” in order I can drink. Fortunately because the water in Germany is hygiene so it can be drunk :)
The third reason is the expensive living cost. No one can deny that living cost in Europe is very expensive, moreover for someone from developing country. Even for entering the toilet in public space, we have to pay 75 cent!! (in Houptbahnhouf of Frankfurt) Probably you can imagine by yourself the other example of the price for the goods. I was surprised when I went to the mall and looked the price of half piece of Papaya. Do you know how much the price? It costs IDR 90.000. Damn!!! We can get a bunch of Papaya with that price in Indonesia. Even you can eat it as you breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a year, lol .
Lastly, I hate the toilet! You know, we are in Indonesia always using water to clean up after pup. But you will not find water in toilet in Europe because the people use paper or tissue. It’s f*cking annoying to use it. And I don’t need to explain you how I acted after using toilet there :) It’s too complicated to explain, lol.
However, overall I really enjoyed my occasion in Germany. It’s so amazing experience to face those kinds of thing. It’s funny to get used to them and it's extremely fantastic to have many differences that I found between Europe and Indonesia. But I believe that you have different opinion with me. Do you like Europe so much? Or anybody of you has a plan to spend the rest of your time in Europe?
9:31 PM
nekad traveling
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3 testimonial(s):
Hey! I like you blog, keep writing! :)
Interesting view about Europe, I guess I never imagined people from other parts of the world have different customs regarding toliet issues! :D
I'm not from Germany, though I've been living here for almost a year. But as you said, it's pretty representative for all Europe; there are differences, but not really big ones.
I'm really looking forward to travel, maybe study, in South-East Asia. I'll tell you my opinion about Europe/Asia after that! :)
So this is your point of view about Europe so far... :)) You need to see more of it, my friend!
Did you have the chance to see the ISWI HUMAN WRITES movie? When you want to see it again, you can find it here: ;)
Piticot and Romeo,
Thank you for reading and commenting my article
I do realize that diversity will be always exist and it's nice to have it, right?
I bet that I need to stay longer in Europe to understand it all and get used to those diversities.
Piticot, I'll wait your perspective about Asia/Europe then
Romeo, I have watched the movie again and download it into my laptop. It's nice amateur movie, hehe :)
Keep reading!
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